Lost and Stray Cats

Lost Cats

If you have lost your cat, search our “Founds Cats” section to see if your cat may have been bought into our Society by a Banyule or Nillumbik Council Ranger or Member of the public. By law we cannot accept stray cats or kittens from any other council area.

We recommend the following to provide you with the very best chance of being reunited with your feline companion:

  • Check if your cat is hiding by thoroughly searching your home and garden. Leave a window or door open so your cat may find their way back into your home
  • Ask your neighbours if you can search their property
  • Make a simple “Lost Cat” flyer with your details and a recent photo of your cat and display in your neighbourhood
  • Report your Lost Cat on this web-page. Our team check this page on a regular basis when a new “stray” cat is bought into the Society
  • Contact the microchip company your cat is registered with (if unsure, you can visit www.petaddress.com.au to confirm). You will then need to contact this company to check their details are correct and to advise that your cat is missing
  • Contact The Cat Protection Society on 03 8457 6500 and any other shelters or pounds in your local area to report your cat missing

Our Protocol

If your cat is bought into our Shelter by a Council Ranger or Member of the public, we will hold your cat at our Shelter for at least 8 days. After the 8 days, your cat can legally be rehomed through our adoption shelter. If your cat is microchipped, we will contact you so you can be reunited.

Loss of your pet is a time of great anxiety for both you and your pet. The following 8 STEPS will help increase your chances of your pet being returned to you and your family.

8 Steps to Finding your Cat


It is essential that you continue to UPDATE your microchip details with the National Database your cat is subscribed to. This also gives the opportunity to confirm your details so that we can contact you the moment we are contacted with the whereabouts of your pet. If you know which database your cat is subscribed to, click here for their contact details. If you are unsure which database your cat is subscribed to, visit petaddress.com.au and enter your cat’s microchip details. This website will be able to tell you which database your cat is subscribed to. If you adopted your cat from the Cat Protection Society, your cat is subscribed to CENTRAL ANIMAL RECORDS. To contact CENTRAL ANIMAL RECORDS, please visit www.car.com.au or phone 03 9706.3187


Contact your local Council and other Animal Welfare Shelters to advise them that your pet is missing. It is also worth contacting neighbouring Councils in case your pet has wandered and is found over your Council boundary. You will need to be able to provide them with your name & contact details, as well as a detailed description based on breed, colour, sex, where lost, and any other identification (such as microchip number, tattoos etc.), including the date and time (if known) that your pet went missing.


VISIT BOTH your local Council pound facility and Animal Welfare facility, not just once, but regularly, as pets sometimes are presented days or weeks later. Many animals pass through pounds and shelters, and sometimes your description over the telephone, especially cross breeds, can be misinterpreted.


Contact Veterinarians in your local area and after hour’s emergency veterinarian centre’s to advise that the animal is missing.


Door knock or letter drop your local area. Cats especially can be locked in garages or under houses without the knowledge of homeowners. Ask your neighbours’ if you can check.


Place notices in the local shops advising that the animal is missing. It is beneficial if you can include a recent photograph of the animal.


There are Lost and Found pages on Facebook that do a terrific job including: Pets of Melbourne – Lost & Found / Lost Pets of Banyule and Surrounding areas / Lot Cats of Melbourne / Lost Pets North and Inner Suburbs (Melbourne)


Check out useful internet websites such as:
Some local Council websites that list (sometimes with images) Lost and Found Pets in their municipality or websites devoted to reuniting pets and their owners by reporting missing pets to members or allowing listings of missing pets with images.

Lost & Found Cats

Report a Lost Cat

Lost Cat Form
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