
Mumma's Profile

Can live with other cats
Can live with dogs
Can live with children
Likes older family


  • Breed: DSH
  • Gender: Female
  • Colour: Grey Tabby & White
  • Age: 1 Year 9 Months
  • Animal ID: SUA012213
  • Microchip Number: 956000016586980
  • Adoption Fee: $140.00
  • Available for adoption since: 11/06/2024
  • CPSV Source Number: BR100404

Meet Mumma, a wonderfully serene and independent feline. Mumma possesses a unique spirit of resilience that shines through in her serene demeanor. She's not your typical affectionate lap cat, but her reserved and low-key nature offers a different kind of companionship that can be just as rewarding.

Mumma is looking for a patient and loving home where she can feel safe and secure. This engaging feline companion appreciates quiet moments, and loves to have her own space. She'll do amazingly well in a calm and tranquil environment with an experienced cat parent who can appreciate her independent nature.

While Mumma is comfortable with her own company, her independence means she can offer companionship without being overly demanding. If you fancy a quiet and independent feline companion, you'll find a kindred spirit in Mumma. Her personality blooms with time, and her initial aloofness just adds a layer of depth to her character.

Through patience, understanding, and love, Mumma will learn to appreciate the kinder side of human companionship. She needs a caring and experienced cat lover, willing to give her ample time to adjust and feel safe in her new surroundings. If you are willing to be patient and provide a happy and secure home, you'll see her character blossom, which is an incredibly rewarding experience.

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