
Blackie's Profile

Can live with other cats
Can live with dogs
Can live with children
Likes older family


  • Breed: DSH
  • Gender: Male
  • Colour: Black
  • Age: 8 Years 10 Months
  • Animal ID: SUA011822
  • Microchip Number: 956000006298755
  • Adoption Fee: $60.00
  • Available for adoption since: 19/04/2024
  • CPSV Source Number: BR100404

At first, Blackie might seem a tad shy, but don't let that fool you. Once he feels secure and comfortable, he blossoms into a friendly and loving companion. What does he want most in life? A peaceful and quiet home where he can nuzzle next to you, and a cozy corner to retreat when in need of alone time.

Blackie loves sleeping next to his human either at bedtime or even during a lazy afternoon on the couch. He's the kind of gentleman who enjoys both his own company and the undemanding companionship of his human. So, if you want a serene friend by your side while you read, watch TV, or just relax, Blackie would very much like to be that friend.

One of the most charming things about Blackie is his loyalty. Once he feels at ease and safe with you, he'll show an unwavering love. He's laid-back and prefers homes without much hustle and bustle, so a quiet household without other pets or young children would be his sanctuary.

From his Foster Home
He’s an old soul, just wants to curl up in a warm spot all day. He very much wants a person home to cuddle with all day. He’s not happy whenever his person leaves the house. He’s always wants, and needs, a person, cat, or heated place, to curl up on.

He’s content both being an only cat, and a companion to other cats. He acted as a comfort and mentor for the other foster cat, Toothless. Has no territorial behaviour outside of claiming any heating pads. Doesn’t mind younger cats but has little interest in playing with them.

He’s overall a very low maintenance, cuddly, lap cat. Not a fan of being picked up but will tolerate it.

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